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*The History of Hispanic Heritage Month
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The History of Hispanic Heritage Month
Responding to the growing demands for recognition by many Hispanic organizations, a Joint Resolution (H.J. Res. 1299) was approved September 17, 1968 by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, 90th Congress.(l) The resolution was passed by 'voice vote' indicating obvious solid support, not requiring a vote count.(2)
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is hereby authorized and requested to issue annually a proclamation designating the week including September 15 and 16 as "National Hispanic Heritage Week" and calling upon the people of the United States, especially the educational community, to observe such week with appropriate ceremonies and activities.(3)
The time period was selected to tie in with the celebrations of Mexican Independence Day and other Latin American Independence Day celebrations commemorated in our country during September 15 and 16. (4)
Since 1968, presidential proclamations have been published, honoring Hispanic Heritage Month, On September 4, 1974, Gerald R. Ford proclamation begun: "Our country's Hispanic heritage reaches back more than four centuries. When the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Plymouth Rock, Hispanic civilization was already thriving in what is now Florida and New Mexico. Since then the Hispanic contribution to America has been a consistent and vital influence in our country's cultural growth." (5)
Unfortunately, asking the educational community to observe Hispanic Heritage in the middle of September when most schools are beginning a new semester resulted in very limited promotion. Teachers were too busy counting heads and distributing books. In 1974, President Ford proclamation expanded the call encouraging those organizations concerned with the protection of human rights to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies and activities.(6)
August 17, 1988, twenty years after the first resolution Public Law 90-498 was passed, Public Law 100402 was passed, again by 'voice vote' expanding Hispanic Heritage Week to Hispanic Heritage Month. (7)
September 13, 1988, President Ronald Reagan spoke at the Rose Garden at the White House, remarking on the signing of the National Hispanic Heritage Week proclamation. "We have all been enriched by the contributions of Hispanics in every walk of American life. " In addition to the noted Hispanic leaders in attendance, he gave special recognition to Colonel Gil Coronado.". .. I'm honored to welcome Colonel Gil Coronado (USAF). Due to his efforts, we're not just here to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Week but to announce that in 1989 the period between September 15th and October 15th will be Hispanic Heritage Month. It's an honor well-deserved. And you can thank Colonel Coronado, who's been a stout defender- of his Hispanic heritage and the United State of America." (8)
President George Bush has embraced Hispanics with great understanding and warned, "We must never take our friends for granted." (9) "We are rural and urban; native-born and foreign-born; Hispanic and non-Hispanic, brown, black, white - but most of all, we are Americans. " (1O)
Confusion about the Hispanic historical presence is understandable. Most textbooks gloss over the period of Spanish colonization, preferring to concentrate on the history of the formation and development of the United States. The Black and Indigenous historical interaction and presence within the boundaries of the fledging United States are well documented, via government and private records. Hispanic records are also available, but have not been as accessible. In addition to those Hispanics already occupying what became the United States, Hispanic migrations into the continental United States have continued from all parts of the world, bringing unique cultural variations on Spanish language-heritage individuals, Hispanics.
President George Bush expressed his respect for Hispanic contribution in a series of messages on the observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month: "Perhaps no single ethnic group has had as profound an impact upon our Nation as Hispanic America. From the days of the first explorers in what is now Florida, Texas, and California, the Hispanic peoples have played a major role in taming this vast country and developing its abundant resources." (113 ".. . The values passed from generation to generation in Hispanic American families are values central to the American experience. " (12) We need to let the people understand that "What's good for Hispanic America will be good for the United States." (13)
"While our Nation's history bears ample evidence of our Hispanic heritage, we cannot view that great heritage solely in terms of the past. Rather it is a living legacy. "(14) We ourselves as Hispanic Americans need to know who we are and share insight with the world, en herencia unidos. "Common cultural roots enable us all to seek a shared destiny for our hemisphere, for ourselves. "(15) It is indeed a challenge, but as President George Bush stated: "... Hispanic America is at her best when the challenge is the toughest." (16)
President Reagan September l3, I988 closed with a borrowed phrase, "If only we are faithful to our past, we shall not have to fear our future." (17)
Footnotes: (1) "With regards to 1968, the major sponsors of the bill appeared to be Rogers (D-Colorado) in the House, and Montoya (D-New Mexico) and Mansfield(D-Montana) in the Senate." Fax correspondence, July 17, 1998 from Dr. John R. Hébert, Senior Specialist in Hispanic bibliography, Hispanic Division, Library of Congress. Extracted information from references to the National Hispanic: Heritage Week supplied by Barbara Salazar of the Congressional Research Service.
(2) Dr. John R. Hébert, July 16, 1998, phone interview.
(3) Public Law 90-498. Approved September 17, 1968 by 90th Congress.
(4) Senator Montoya (D-New Mexico), Congressional Record, September 12, 1968.
(5) Gerald R. Ford, Proclamation 4310, National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1974 September 4, 1974.
(6) Ibid.
(7) Op. Cite. Hébert, "In 1988, the major sponsors were Byrd (D-West Virginia) and Pressler (R-South Dakota) in the Senate and McCloskey (D-Indianaj, Torres (D-California), Richardson (D-New Mexico), Myers (R-Indiana), and Dymally (California) in the House with a reference to Colonel Gil Coronado, who according to Mr. Richardson, : I especially want to complement Col. Gil Coronado, who apparently is the original inciter of this outstanding idea and passing it on to the gentleman from California (Mr. Torres)" (August 8, 1988) Congressional Record- House
(8) President Ronald Regan, Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, September 13, 1988.
(9) President George Bush, Remarks to the United States Chamber of Commerce in New Orleans, Louisiana, September 8, 1989.
(10) President George Bush, Remarks to Members of the Hispanic-American Community in Los Angeles,
April 25, 1989.
(11) President George Bush's message on the Observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month 1989,
September 11, 1989.
(12) Ibid.
(13) President George Bush, Remarks at the Annual Convention of the United States Hispanic Chamber
of Commerce in Chicago, Illinois, September 20, 1991.
(14) President George Bush, Proclamation 6488 National Hispanic Heritage Month, 1992, September 2, 1992.
(15) Op. Cit. Bush, September 20, 1991
(16) Op. Cit. Bush, September 8, 1989
(17) Op. Cit. Reagan, September 13; 1988
Updated March 29th, 2021 by Mimi Lozano
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Editor: Mimi Lozano
Proudly sharing the genealogical research of
John Inclan
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Editor: Mimi Lozano
Table of Contents which includes a link to the decedents of the following individuals.
For direct links to each one of these pedigrees go to:
Lieutenant Vicente de Alderete and Dona Maria Josefa Garcia de Rivera y Camacho
Dõn Francisco Javier de Alcorta
Dõn Francisco Joseph de Arocha and Dona Juana Ramirez Curbelo Umpierre
Captain Francisco Baez de Benavides and Dona Isabel Martinez Guajardo
Captain Juan Esteban de Ballesteros
Dõn Nicolas Balli Perez II and Dona Josefa Manuela Guerra de la Garza
Alcalde Mayor Fernando del Bosque Almendariz
Captain Pedro Botello de Morales
Dõn Juan Canales
Captain Alberto del Canto
Dõn Juan de Caliz and Dona Catalina Gomez de Coy (Santos Coy)
The Descendents of Captain Bernabe de las Casas And Dona Maria Beatriz Navarro Rodriguez
(Part 1: Generations 1-5)
(Part 2: Generation 6)
(Part 3: Generation 7)
(Part 4: Generation 8)
(Part 5: Generation 9)
(Part 6: Generation 10)
Dõn Juan Cavazos del Campo and Dona Elena de la Garza Falcon
Descendents of Dõn Juan Bautista Cavazos Fernandez
Dõn Juan Bautista Chapa and Dona Beatriz Olivares de Trevino
Dõn Pedro Duran y Chavez and Dona Isabel de Baca
Descendants of Christopher Columbus
Dõn Antonio de Ecay y Muzquiz and Dona Vicenta Vera
General Pedro de Elizondo
Dõn Alonso de Estrada
Dõn Juan Fernandez de Jauregui and Dona Isauel de Aldama
General Antonio Fernandez y Vallejo
Pedro Flores- de-Abrego
Dõn Juan Galindo Morales And Dona Melchora Sanchez Navarro
Dõn Blas Maria de la Garza yFalcon and Dona Beatriz Gonzalez Hidalgo
Captain Pedro de la Garza Falcon y Trevino
Lord Pedro Gonzalez de Mendoza And Lady Aldonza Lopez de Ayala
Dõn Miguel de Gortari
Dõn Jose Manuel de Goseascochea and Dona Maria Francisca Xaviera de la Garza y de la Garza
Dõn Jose Bartolome Inclan Cabrera
Dõn Jose Luis Jasso &Dona Maria Nicolasa de Luna
Jean Juchereau, Sieur de More
Captain Antonio Ladron de Guevara
Descendents of Captain Pedro Lozano Urquizu & Dona Marianna de la Garza y Rocha
Dõn Juan Francisco Martinez Guajardo and Dona Ursula Ines Catarina Navarro Rodriguez
Descendents of Don Pedro Miguel Mendez
Captain Francisco de Mier Noriega
Dõn Juan Perez de Onate and Dona Osana Martinez de Gonzalez
Dõn J Clemente Perez-de-Ancira-Gonzalez-de-Paredes
Dõn Francisco Perez de Escamilla and Dona Leonor de Ayala
Dõn Lorenzo Perez and Dona Adriana de Leon
Dõn Joseph de Plaza and Dona Cathalina de Urrutia y Flores de Valdez
Major Diego Ramon
Gonzalo de Reina and Catarina Gumendio y de la Garza
Captain Antonio Rodriguez de Quiroga
Dõn Manuel de Sada
Dõn Pedro de Salazar
Dõn Francisco Sanchez de la Barrera and Dona Maria Duran de Vzcanga
Dõn Joseph-Antonio Seguin and Dona Geronima Flores de Abrego
Descendents of Dõn Juan Alonso de Sosa
Descendents of Don Martin Sosa y Bravo
Chief Constable Vicente Travieso Alvarez
Dõn Joseph Diego de Tremino y Quintanilla
Dõn Pedro Uribe y Vergara and Dona Ana Lenor Tovar
Dõn San Juan de Urrutia y Allende and Dona Casilda Retes y Retes
Dõn Joseph de Urrutia y Escurta and Dona Francisca Nicolasa Javiera Fernandez de la Garza
Descendents of Don Andress de Valdivielsso
Dõn Gutierre Vasquez de la Cueva and Dona Francisca de Carvajal
Dõn Pedro Fernandez de Velasco, 1st Count of Haro
Dõn Martin de Veramendi and Dona Benita de Olagrie
Descendents of Don Juan Ignacio de Verridi
Villarreal Lineage: Franciso (1st generation), Diego (2nd) Diego (3) Juan (4th) :
Alferez Diego de Villarreal and Dona Beatriz de las Casas y Navarro
Captain Diego de Villarreal-de-las-Casas and Ines de Renteria
Descendants of Juan de Villarreal-de-las-Casas
Jose-Benito Zambrano
Dõn Nicolas Zambrano-Tresalvo
Suggestion: Do an edit-mode search on any surname of interest
By John P. Schmal
[Large PDF files may take several minutes to download. PDF file reader needed.]
PDF 48-page file, click to view
PDF 49-page file, click to view
Finding Your Roots in Mexico.pdf
PDF 44-page file, click to view
Researching YourRootsinNorthernMexico.pdf
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PDF 66-page file, click to view
Indigenous Peoples of Nueva Galicia and Nueva Vizcaya.pdf
PDF 46-page file, click to view
Los Fundadores: Finding Your Spanish Ancestors in Mexico.pdf
PDF 50-page file, click to view
Indigenous Northern Mexico.pdf
PDF 44-page file, click to view
The History of Michoacan and Guanajuato
PDF 52-page file, click to view
The History of Jalisco and Zacatecas
PDF 52-page file, click to view
The History of Northwestern Mexico
PDF 33-page file, click to view
Mexican Politics & War in the 19th Century
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Indigenous Jalisco: A History
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Indigenous Chihuahua:Four Centuries of Conflict
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Indigenous Guanajuato
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Indigenous Michoacan
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Indigenous Zacatecas
PDF 51-page file, click to view
Early Southern California History
Documents: Click on name links to view pdf files
Click on the brown button on the left to go to the file:
The Indigenous Languages of Mexico: A Present-Day Overview
The Náhuatl Language of Mexico: From Aztlán to the Present
Monolingualism in Mexico (2010)
Mexico's 1921 Census: A Unique Perspective
Mexico's 2010 Census: A Unique Perspective
Indigenous Mexico Statistics: The 2005 Conteo
Extranjeros in Mexico (1895-2000)
Mexico and Its Religions
Indigenous Roots in Mexico
Tracing Your Indigenous Roots in Sonora
Indigenous Coahuila de Zaragoza
Mexican Americans Finding Their Roots
The History of Zacatecas
The Indigenous People of Zacatecas
The Mexicanization of the Zacatecas Indians
Genealogical Research in Zacatecas
Indigenous Roots: Zacatecas, Guanajuato and Jalisco (the Chichimeca Story)
The Caxanes of Nochistlán: Defenders of their Homeland
Mexico: The Best Records in the World
Los Tapatiós de California: Returning to Their Jalisco Roots
The History of Jalisco
Indigenous Jalisco: Living in a New Era
The Mexica: From Obscurity to Dominance
The History of the Tlaxcalans
The Defeat of the Aztecs
Indigenous Guerrero: A Remnant of the Aztec Empire
Indigenous Morelos: The Land of the Tlahuica and Emiliano Zapata
Campeche: On the Edge of the Mayan World
Oaxaca: A Land of Diversity
Indigenous Yucatán
The Mixtecs and Zapotecs: Two Enduring Cultures of Oaxaca
Chiapas - Forever Indigenous
Indigenous Baja: Living on the Edge of Existence
The Yaqui Indians: Four centuries of resistance
NW Mexico: Four centuries of resistance
An Entire Frontier in Flames
Indigenous Nayarit Resistance in the Sierra Madre
Indigenous Chihuahua
Indigenous Durango
The Indigenous Veracruz
Indigenous Tamulipas
Indigenous San Luis Potosi
Indigenous Puebla
Indigenous Queretaro
Indigenous Hidalgo
The Indigenous Guanajuato
The Indigenous Michoacan