Lawrence G. Romo
Lawrence G. Romo, Lieutenant Colonel USAFR (Ret), confirmed by both, the Senate Armed Services Committee and the entire Senate to serve as Director of the Selective Service System in the Selective Service System. He was the current Soldier and Family Assistance Program Manager for the U.S. Army 5th Recruiting Brigade in San Antonio , Texas .
Lawrence Guzman Romo was born in San Antonio , Texas . He is the son of Jose Villapando Romo and Mary Louise Guzman-Romo; both parents are Texas ’ natives. He was the first child to graduate from college. He is married to Birgit-Haase-Romo.
Romo earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the Air Force Academy and a Master of Education degree from Montana State University-Northern (formerly Northern Montana College).
Romo served on active duty and in the reserve, He served as a USAF Academy Admissions advisor, supporting the operation of the Minuteman Missile Weapon and Launch System, in Training Operations, an as an Air Transportation Officer.
He joined the Federal Civil Service (1987-1992) as an item Manager for the directorate of special Weapons and from (1992-1999) Romo was the Transition assistance Program Specialist at Kelly air Force Base in aiding military personnel as the transitioned into the civilian Job market.
Upon retiring from the U.S. Air Force Reserve, Romo served as an Admissions Liaison Officer for the United States Air Force Academy, having performed his function for 29 years as both an additional and primary military duty.
Romo also served as Chairman of Bexar county Veterans Committee and member of the American Legion, American GI Forum, Association of United States Army and the Military Officers Association of America.
U.S. Congressman Ciro D. Rodriguez (TX-23) stated, “Larry Romo has served our country with distinction, both in the armed Forces and in the broader community. His broad experience with the military gives him keen insight into this important issued and I am confident he can take on this role with honor, passion and professionalism.”
Congressman Charles A. Gonzalez (TX-20) stated, “I am always pleased to see talented folks from San Antonio assume high-level government positions in Washington and one could be more deserving than Mr. Romo. He has dedicated most of his impressive career to meeting the needs of the men and women in our Armed Forces as well as our veterans who come home after their service. His commitment to the military and veterans community makes him an ideal choice to serve as our nation’s Selective Service Director, and I wholeheartedly support his nomination.”
Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) stated, “I am confident in Mr. Romo’s ability to serve in this new role with the dedication he’s shown in the past. I congratulate
him on this presidential nomination, and commend him for heeding the call and continuing to serve.”
“I am honored and humbled by the nomination I look forward to working with Congress, the Administration and the American people as we work to have the Selective service in place and ready in the event of a national emergency,” stated Romo.