Pinch me.
If I yell it is proof that I’m alive
with all the wants and needs,
that people have in their lives,
and which we have to balance
with the passage of the years.
Hate me.
If I smile you know I’m a man,
who despite his many years
has never ceased to believe
that honey attract people
just as vinegar repels them.
Hurt me.
If I forgive you I’m Christian
who despite the imperfections,
believes pardon sustains life,
and anger only helps to loosen
the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse.
Doubt me.
If I retain my faith I’ve shown
trust is what we must possess,
to give direction to our life
in a world ruled by turbulence.
Insult me.
And if I were to ignore you
do not think I do not care;
it is that I know it is better
to turn the other cheek.
Yes, I am a changed man,
from the one you once knew,
for in life I have truly learned
rather to live in peace than hate;
that it is much better to pardon
rather than to seek revenge
and hope overpowers despair.
Yet, don’t think my frail body
will allow people to abuse me,
for I am not an ordinary fellow.
I will fight for what I need
and the values that guide me
are based in needs and desires
I treasured in my younger days.
So punch me and I will respond
with my fists and dirty words
just like I did in younger years.
Yes, you can call me a viejito,
whom the years taught to love
and forgive those who harm you.
But do not to press your luck
for you will arouse my anger
and feelings that I’ve controlled
will surge against the abusers.
I am old but I am not hostile
and if you lead I will follow;
smile at me and I’ll smile back;
love me I will surely love back;
laugh with me I will giggle
for even though I am old
I am still an ordinary fellow
filled with the dignity I cherish.
So do not confuse my civility,
with what you think is passivity.
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